Project Description

Access to Education of Syrian Refugees Living in Turkey

Case Study

This paper aims to demonstrate the importance, effectiveness and strategic initiatives of Muslim Humanitarian organizations in the world through exploring the example of the projects and activities achieved in Syria by a successful Relief foundation from Turkey.


Yusuf Aydin
Yusuf Aydin

Yusuf Aydın was born in Cologne, Germany in 1986 as a child of an immigrant family. He completed his undergraduate education in International Relations at Selçuk University in 2010. For 6 years, he worked in various units of WEFA, an international aid organization headquartered in Cologne that conducts humanitarian aid activities in 70 countries. In his capacity as a WEFA project manager, he visited project sites in more than 30 countries. He also conducted training programs to improve cooperation with partner organizations and to strengthen them in their own countries. Until 2016, he served as board member and head of foreign affairs. Since 2016, Aydın has been based in Ankara, Turkey and has been working as an expert in an international think tank that carries out various projects related to European Turks.

Aydın also took an active role in various youth associations. Between 2013 and 2015, he served as the general chairman in charge of youth branches at UID (Union of International Democrats), which has a total of 253 branches in 17 countries in Europe. He has pioneered dozens of activities to accelerate the integration of immigrant children in Europe into society and increase their political participation.

He has a master’s degree in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid from the Kalu Institute, Spain. He is currently completing his second master’s degree in Philanthropy at Indiana University and is a Fellow of the Zakat Foundation Institute. Aydın is married and has two children. In addition to his mother tongue Turkish, he is fluent in German and English.