Organizational Profile for ZFI Portal on Muslim Humanitarianism

The Zakat Foundation Institute is developing a Portal on Muslim Humanitarianism. The Portal is a central place to gather and share information, analytics, dialogue, and leading research about the breadth and depth of Muslim humanitarianism and forced migration.

Please complete this short form to add your organization's profile to the global map of Muslim humanitarian actors.

Est. Time: 3-5 minutes

Does this organization identify as a Muslim organization? *
Issues of Concern Addressed (please select all that apply)
Programs and Service Areas (select all that apply)
People Served (select all that apply)
Type of Organization (select all that apply)
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Consent and Submission

We are so grateful for your time and voluntary participation in this initiative. By submitting this information, you are consenting to the use of this information on the ZFI Portal on Muslim Humanitarianism.

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